Mitron Honors Rememberance Day, Those Brave Fallen
Updated 10:30 AM, 11/11/13
Today is Rememberance Day. On this day November 11th, on the 11th hour, the fighting of the western Althenan theatre of the GAW officially ended, hence the term “The eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month.” On this day, Trentannia signed the armistice that ended the GAW. But as much of a celebration as that is worldwide, signalling the beginning of the end of the war, there is much more to celebrate. This day has expanded into a day to honor all servicemen who have not only given their lives in battle, but have survived wars too. We honor not only the direct combatants, but those that have been affected by war, albeit having a friend, family member, spouse, all those who too have been affected by war. So, today we ask you, at the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, to just take a moment of silence, and remember those few, that brave minority that throughout the history of not only Mitron, but of all nations, to please honor those few who have fought for so many; those few who have put their lives on the line to defend not only their country and the ones they love, but to defend those millions they have never met. These brave men and women deserve our utmost respect. And please take another moment of silence to honor those affected by war, the family, friends, spouses, and all those whom war has affected. These civilians and noncombatants are just as special as the men out on the front lines, for they have kept up the hope, support, and love that makes sure those troops have something to fight for, they’ve kept it together in times of dire sadness and despair, and they are just as brave as those who fight.
We thank you for your time, and just ask you to take a couple moments of silence at that special eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, to remember those veterans, and those civilians, all affected by war. Always remember, never forget.
(Sorry, but I wanted to get something out there to honor all those who fight and all those who’ve given people something to fight for. Thank you very much.)