Current World
PROTESTS - The Capital City of Bergenstein has once again been plagued with extremely violent protestors. Verwaltungstadt has a relatively pro coalition feel however it also houses the heavily pro traditionalist national government. The military of the state of Fougard, the Fout Defence Forces said that they would pull out of the city which they believed had little to do with Fougard. The Chancellor however with his new and much stronger Bergen Federal Army stayed in the city and has reportedly firing on protesters. The Fout government is currently in discussion with the Berge leadership with further instructions.
SEPARATISM - The southern states; Augenteine, Arnacy, Schwieset, Trierenstein, Mantindor, Miensburg, and Coutony have been in an emergency meeting today about the soundness of the current leadership in the chancellery. This group has yet to comment further though anything is possible as the south is the traditionalist heart of Bergenstein.
STATE OF WAR? - A documentary which is due to be shown on TV across Althena shortly has revealed a multitude of worrying fact about Bergenstein. The most concerning has got to be that for every ten people there are 8.2 assault rifles. however a more concerning fact may be that 265% of people have access to a serviceable weapon in Bergenstein. What this means is that every person effectively has 2.65 weapons. However before we run in hysteria we have to remember one thing, that is Bergenstein is awash with extremely outdated equipment. Huge amounts of GAW era weapons are in use and even old muzzle loading muskets have been reported to be used in incidents.