With the onset of civil war in Bergenstein, it has come to our attention that the government of the Lordship of Miensburg has begun repressing dissidents in violent and terrible manners, and is breaking the Charter of the Union even as we speak by publicly executing political prisoners via guillotine.
Therefore, it behooves us to propose that the voluntary peacekeeping force known as the United Forces be given the authorization to immediately intercede in the conflict, with the intent of quelling the violence and providing aid to those who are in need of it.
Therefore, it behooves us to propose that the voluntary peacekeeping force known as the United Forces be given the authorization to immediately intercede in the conflict, with the intent of quelling the violence and providing aid to those who are in need of it.
~Daniel Imperator, Imperial Federal Kingdom Ambassador to the United Sovereign Nations of the World
Last edited by Daniel on Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total