What is this?
The Adonia Winter Games are a relatively small but very action-packed five-day event that is composed of multiple Adonian countries, as well as the NPC's that have flags made for them (we will also be making more flags until then, I am hoping to get 25-28 NPC's into this). This event is a "test run" into how the much larger Adonia Games that we have talked about since we were established nine months ago.
Is this idea original?
Precisely. Obviously, this is going to be based off of the real-life X games that happen in January in Aspen, however, this is going to have a good number of events that aren't in the X games. However, these events are still action-packed and will be in the Adonia Games that are scheduled to be in February.
Who runs this?
Only me
When is it?
Bidding and the allocation of points will begin this weekend. Point allocations will be strictly due Monday, November 21, and bids will be due the following week, on the 28th. The decision of the host will be made by a neutral committee of five people that I choose and will be announced Wednesday, November 30. The games will take place in mid-December, taking place sometime between the start of Hanukkah season (December 9), but no later than Christmas (December 25).
How do I bid or send in my points?
There will be forms appearing in this forum very soon. The point allocations will be over an online form or Google spreadsheet, and the bidding will take place here. It's a pretty simple process, you only need to post things we need (one picture of each venue and one picture of the city). Your will get 33% more points than the NPC's, and the winning bid will get 33% more points than the other USNW members.
Who is allowed to participate/bid?
All USNW members are participating whether or not they allocate points, however you will be at a major disadvantage without doing this very simple task (it's the same thing when I ran the AICS Ranker - the people who didn't send in the form almost always lost to the people who did). USNW observers, if they wish, can participate. Applicants that start the application process anytime from now until the point allocation deadline can participate as long as they are admitted to the USNW by December. Only USNW members, that means ambassadorial, full, or BAT members, may bid.