The United Sovereign Nations
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The United Sovereign Nations

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Scotch Moen
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1War Games Room Empty War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:25 pm

Scotch Moen

Scotch Moen
Member (Folland)
Member (Folland)

This thread is to discuss and plan the potential chain of events of a military incursion between member and npc nations in the Uprising Crisis Roleplay. Everything in this thread is theoretical and non-canon until set and approved by a majority vote after we've concluded the discussion and planning phase.

Main Topics to Discuss:
  • Combatant Nations
  • Third Party Groups
  • Areas of Operations/Theaters
  • Force Assessments
  • Logistics

- -

It would also be beneficial to everyone if you posted your country's military strength and resources in a short summary so we can all plan around our individual capabilities in a military situation. Remember, Realism and Fairness are our two highest goals, right up there alongside having a good time.

- -

Force Statistics:


Last edited by MikeVM on Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:58 pm; edited 5 times in total

2War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:05 pm


Member (Acadia & Valessia)
Member (Acadia & Valessia)

Bad guy combat nations would be mostly Pelian and Asmirva correct? (Including their allies and puppets)

3War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:26 pm


Member (Mitron)
Member (Mitron)

I'm a good guy. Mostly because I have the whole rest of the Euphemian Bloc breathing down my neck if I do anything else.

4War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:52 pm



You have Peilan and the Loyalist Front Wink

Okaiken has a Self-Defence force of more than 780,000 people. There are more than 1,200,000 reserve forces. Has 154 vessels. Has 2 "aircraft carriers" (diesel powered helicopter carriers of the "Soryu Class", with one more under construction in Toyoshi). No Ballistic Missiles. 1086 aircraft.

Last edited by ArrowHead on Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total

5War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:54 pm


Member (Mitron)
Member (Mitron)

ArrowHead wrote:You have Peilan and the Loyalist Front Wink

Okaiken has a Self-Defence force of more than 780,000 people. Has 2 "aircraft carriers" (diesel powered helicopter carriers of the "Soryu Class", with one more under construction in Toyoshi). No Ballistic Missiles.

If you're implying that I'm allied w/ Peiland & the Loyalist Front, then no. I just have strong friends in the Euphemian Bloc & I suppose Okaiken.

6War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:02 pm

Scotch Moen

Scotch Moen
Member (Folland)
Member (Folland)

Here's a question. Would Sukoyria also be on the baddy side? All three of them would literally rip Adonia a new one.

Chris you'd be okay being on the Euphemian's side. You yourself are Euphemian and you're ideologically similar as well. This literally will turn into an East vs. West conflict. And If I'm correct, the three powers in Althena against the Euphemian Bloc would cause a war that would last for years, embedding deep hatred between their peoples over time, eventually diminishing the original cause of the war, and just being about the others being evil and a kill or be killed sentiment. You can pretty much kiss most of West Althena goodbye as waging a war overseas is logistically difficult against such superpowers.

7War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:25 pm


Member (Mitron)
Member (Mitron)

I feel very bad about war like that. Darned technology is so destructive.

8War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:50 pm


Member (Acadia & Valessia)
Member (Acadia & Valessia)

How will we make this war last into the future? Razz Is Adonia going to jump about 10 years farther in time?

Acadia has an extremely large nuclear arsenal, and manufactured several hundred more warheads during the Dead War. Since then, all manufacturing of nuclear weapons has stopped, but Acadia remains at the top for largest nuclear weapon arsenal. Acadia specializes in aeronautics and intelligence, but relies on Shayden and Folland for naval support.

Sukoyria could surely be pressured by both governments to join their side. Smile

9War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:27 am


First Minister (Kaskaskia & Insulo)
First Minister (Kaskaskia & Insulo)

The Republic of Insulo maintains a military, referred to colectively as the Insulonian Armed Forces, with 467,925 active personnel with an additional 202,100 reserves. The Insulonian Navy consists of 139 ocean-going ships, including 3 Modern Supercarriers, 2 VTOL Carriers, and 3 Helicopter Carriers. The combined total aircraft in service across all branches of the Insulonian Military total 2,430.

10War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:59 am



update my post above Razz

11War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:42 am


Member (Mitron)
Member (Mitron)

The Democratic Republic of Mitron has 493,000 active military personnel. Of that number, 165,000 of those personnel are under the Mitronian Navy, serving either on the west coast, ready to defend against invaders, or in reserve in one of the many Mitronian Naval Bases located on the east coast, within the South Calern Gulf. There are 215,00,000 members of the Mitronian Army that are at one of the several army bases in Mitron and overseas. As for the Mitronian Air Force, it has 113,000 active members, with many of those members being technicians or mechanics, or people that work various things such as radar and missile defense. There are also 95,000 members of the Mitron State Guard, which is comprised of reserve soldiers in each state that can also be called upon for civil reasons, not only in defense of the nation against invaders.

[list][*]143 naval vessels (we are an island)
[list=1][*]2,780 aircraft


12War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:02 pm


Member (Kuyrut)
Member (Kuyrut)

Kuyrutian Armed Forces (KAF) currently are all domestic based with 114k active soldiers and 42k reserve forces all stationed within the nation.

The Kuyrutian Navy or the National Kuyrutian Naval Defense Forces (NKNDF) are the largest branch of the KAF, the branch contains 46.5% of the current active military (53,010 soldiers) and is positioned primarily along the first 800 miles of the Kuyrutian island chain. The navy's primary public access station is in Yansat, Kuyrut (mainland). The base contains many shipbuilding facilities and maintenance decks.

The Kuyrutian Navy contains these operable ships :

3 Amphibious assault ships (1 in active service)
2 amphibious transport (0 in active service)
8 dock landing ships (1 in active service)
10 cruisers (2 in active service)
28 destroyers (1 in active service)
12 frigates (1 in active service)
4 submarines (4 in active service)
815 patrol boats (848 in active service)*
851 aircraft (32 in active service)

*non-commissioned ships included.

The Kuyrutian army is the second largest branch and is primarily stationed on the Brennsland disputed zone. The force contains 38.9% of the military (44,346). The air force has 916 aircraft.

The air force and tactical forces combined make up 14.6% of the military and is based in Iyutan Air Force Based, Tyutan, Kuyrut.

The Kuyrutian Self Defense initiative of 1953 grants all citizens of age 18 and above rights to leave and join the military of Kuyrut at any time in peacetime - they are also guaranteed a military grade semi-automatic assault rifle in case of invasion. Paramilitary forces vary by state but ask for all able bodied citizens of age 18 to 25 to join or participate. General census of active paramilitary forces range in the 20 millions.

Last edited by ForthWall on Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

13War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:15 pm

Scotch Moen

Scotch Moen
Member (Folland)
Member (Folland)

Stats were updated. Chris does Mitron have any Aircraft Carriers in it's Navy? And I'm assuming Kuyrut doesn't have any as you didn't list any. We'll also need to collaborate on the military force of Peilan, Asmiriva, and even possibly Sukoyria.

Jack, we don't have to do a time jump. We can continue the usual roleplay day by day in a state of war. That way more time can pass by and we can prolong the roleplay out into weeks and maybe even months. This would extend activity instead of just getting it over with in the span of a week.

14War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:59 pm


Member (Acadia & Valessia)
Member (Acadia & Valessia)

LOL I'm a question mark. Razz I'm not good with numbers and stats. Mike, you know Acadia's war personality, would you like to do this for me please? XD

Alright, that makes sense. Smile Just how long is this war going to last in RP time?

15War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:50 pm

Scotch Moen

Scotch Moen
Member (Folland)
Member (Folland)

However long we choose to keep it around really. One day we can come up with events that would cause it to end, or we could just keep everyone pissy, its really our choice.

16War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:58 pm


Member (Kuyrut)
Member (Kuyrut)

Btw Mike, that's just my naval aircraft count, not total. Can you add the Air Force aircraft?

17War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:12 pm


Admin (Shayden)
Admin (Shayden)

Nation of Shayden:
1,234,074 Active Personnel
842,758 Reserves
472 Naval Vessels (8 Carriers)
11,532 Aircraft


18War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:15 pm


Member (Kuyrut)
Member (Kuyrut)

Carriers are never realistic because of its sheer cost and governments keeping military information to themselves (thus preventing everyone else having carriers), be seeing your Shayden I guess it is, it also depends how many people are in your navy/airforce.

19War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:30 pm


Member (Mitron)
Member (Mitron)

Honestly Mike, I don't know what kind of ships we have, but we definitely have a strong navy. We'v been considering dumbing it down seeing as we are part of the Euphemian Bloc, but we haven't yet, it's in the works though.

20War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:40 pm



The Imperial Federal Kingdom has a few destroyers, cruisers, and patrol boats (and one 1940s-era battleship in reserve/unofficially a museum ship because of its age and the fact that it's type is obsolete). haven't decided exactly how many ships altogether yet, but I don't think it's more than a couple dozen or so Razz

Most of its land-based military might, such as much of the air force and army, is based out of Malo. Smile

21War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:26 am


Member (Oxacmela & Balisca)
Member (Oxacmela & Balisca)

Gamat's defences consist of the Gamic Coast Guard which patrols Gamic waters and airspace.

Other roles of the Gamic Coast Guard Service include; National Defence, Law enforcement, Maritime and Aviation Search and Rescue, Counter Terrorism, Minesweeping, Explosive Ordnance Disposal and other tasks.

The Nation of Shayden is responsible for Gamat's exteriour defense and holds a Military Base and Airport in the town of Kartasmýri.

Available for military service: 74,896, age 16-49
Fit for military service: 62,576 males, age 16-49; 61,159 females, age 16-49
Reaching military age annually: 2,369 males; 2,349 females
Active personnel: 210 (2013)
Reserve personnel: 170 (2013)


4 ships; GCGV Þár (Thaur), GCGV Tíur (Tius), GCGV Ægir (Sea), [Patrol Boat.- GCGV Baldár (Baldaur)].
1 plane; GCGA-Sýf (Seyf).
3 helicopters; GCGH-Lýf (Leyf), GCGH-Óðinn (Othin), GCGH-Lýfþrasir (Leyfthrasir).

22War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:44 am


Member (Acadia & Valessia)
Member (Acadia & Valessia)

Acadian Federation:
920,000 Active Personnel
2,500,000 Reserves (There was a peacetime draft in the Dead War)
89 Naval Vessels (2 Carriers)
15,000 Aircraft (We really like our planes)

Is this realistic for Acadia? We love our Air Force, but rely on Shayden and Folland for a strong navy. During the Dead War there was a draft, so we've got plenty of reserves. We've also got a lot of soldiers over in Esdaad, which I guess I should move to Forgia or somewhere around there.

23War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:54 am


First Minister (Kaskaskia & Insulo)
First Minister (Kaskaskia & Insulo)

Kasaskian Confederation
17,200 Active
134,000 Reserves
22 Naval Vessels (20 Patrol, 2 Corvette)*
45 Aircraft (12 Fighter, 18 Transport, 15 Helicopter)

*The Kaskaskian Navy operates primarily on rivers and lakes, and is not intended to be seafaring.

24War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:04 pm

Scotch Moen

Scotch Moen
Member (Folland)
Member (Folland)

I've updated all the submitted stats.

After totalling all the submitted stats, the listed group of militaries have a combined Active Personnel count of 4,348,909. Taking into account our Reserves, that number jumps to 10,365,137 personnel.

This does not take into account the possibility of national drafts, to which the upper limit is only capped by our populations.

25War Games Room Empty Re: War Games Room Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:43 pm


Member (Acadia & Valessia)
Member (Acadia & Valessia)

That's awesome. When we all actually work together, we're pretty unstoppable. Smile

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