Because I don't want to assume anything, I'd like to have you guys fill in the form so I know what your countries think of Matinenda, please be realistic
Relation Status: (Excellent, Great, Good, Neutral, Bad, Terrible, Very Bad)
Relations Reason: (To make sure it's realistic)
Involvement with that country: (Optional, but would help back up your Relation Status)
Matinenda Diplomatic Personality: Matinenda is more of a quiet country that only worries about countries in Western Althena (mainly north-west) but will have diplomatic ties with countries out of that area if the other country asks first. Matinenda doesn't have a problem with countries outside of West Althena, but they don't find it as beneficial to have everyone in the world be their friend.
Relation Status: (Excellent, Great, Good, Neutral, Bad, Terrible, Very Bad)
Relations Reason: (To make sure it's realistic)
Involvement with that country: (Optional, but would help back up your Relation Status)
Matinenda Diplomatic Personality: Matinenda is more of a quiet country that only worries about countries in Western Althena (mainly north-west) but will have diplomatic ties with countries out of that area if the other country asks first. Matinenda doesn't have a problem with countries outside of West Althena, but they don't find it as beneficial to have everyone in the world be their friend.