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Bid | Republic of Insulo

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1Bid | Republic of Insulo Empty Bid | Republic of Insulo Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:55 pm


First Minister (Kaskaskia & Insulo)
First Minister (Kaskaskia & Insulo)

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago

The city of Alcelago is positioned high in the Pierres Mountains, straddling the border between Insulo and Posillipo. It is the capital of the Province of Bascla in Insulo, and the summit will be held at the capital building. There is no airport in Alcelago, but summit-goers can easily catch a train, transit helicopter, or drive from any of the international airports in the region. Summit-goers will be able to apply for joint passports that allow free travel between the countries of Insulo, Posillpo, and Cellunia. The weather this time of year in Alcelago is very mild, with average highs in the 60's Fahrenheit, and there is very little rain, so aside from a bit of fog in the mornings, the weather is generally picture perfect.

Alcelago hiria da kokatu Pierres mendiak alta, Insulo eta Posillipo arteko mugan straddling. la Bascla probintzia Insulo de hiriburua da, eta gailurra kapitala eraikina egingo da. Ez aireportua ez da Alcelago, baina gailur-goers erraz tren bat, Transit helikoptero, eskualde edo unitatea nazioarteko aireportuetan edozein harrapatzeko. Gailur-goers gai pasaporteak bateratua ahalbidetzen duten Insulo, Posillpo, eta Cellunia herrialdeen arteko bidaia doan aplikatuko dira. Eguraldia Alcelago urte garai honetan oso epela, 60 en Fahrenheit du highs batez, eta han oso euri gutxi, beraz, alde batera goizez laino apur bat da, eguraldia da, oro har, irudi ezin hobea.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Insuloprovscities

Map Showing the Location of Alcelago in Insulo.

Mapa Alcelago kokapena erakusten Insulo en.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago3

Capital Building of the Province of Bascla, site of the summit. You can see the metro station that services the the capital. Also shown is the Bascla Royal Hotel, a five-star hotel that all the attendees will be offered blocks of suites at completely free of charge.

Hiriburua Bascla probintzia, gailurra gune eraikitzea. metro geltokia ikusiko duzu zerbitzuak duen hiriburua. Ere agertzen da Bascla Royal Hotel, bost izarreko hotel bertaratuen guztiak eskainiko dira Suite bloke erabat doan da.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago1

Overview of the central boulevard of Alcelago, showcasing the pedestrian-friendly nature of the city and the numerous locally run restaurants and businesses that give Alcelago a charm unique to cities it's size.

Alcelago erdiko bulebarretik, hiriaren izaera oinezkoentzako errespetatzen du ezagutzera ikuspegi orokorra eta hainbat lokalean exekutatu jatetxe eta enpresak ematen Alcelago xarma bat du hiri en tamaina bakarra

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago

An overview of the region while the city was being rebuilt in the 1930's.

Eskualdearen ikuspegi orokorra izan zen hiria bitartean 1930 en la berreraiki zuten.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago4

The business center of Alcelago.

Alcelago erdian negozioa.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago6

Overview of the east side of central Alcelago showcasing Alcelago's modern metro system and the high school where various school performances and Basclan cultural events will be offered to attendees.

Orokorra Alcelago erdiko ekialdeko aldean Alcelago en moderno metro sistema ezagutzera eta goi-eskola non hainbat eskola emanaldiak eta Basclan kultur gertaerak bertaratu dira eskaintzen.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago8

Alcelago Central Library, the site of the press releases and other cultural events.

Alcelago Biblioteca Central, prentsa oharrak eta beste kultur ekitaldi ditu.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago10

Since Alcelago is at a high altitude, some dignitaries may have some issues adjusting, but not to worry, one of the most well respected hospitals in Insulo with an impeccable service record is less than two blocks from the summit site and hotels.

Alcelago handia altitudean denez, dignitaries batzuk gai batzuk egokitu izan dezake, baina ez kezkatu, Insulo ospitaleetan gehien eta errespetatzen bat zerbitzu bat txukun grabatu gutxiago baino bi gailurra gunea eta hotel batetik bloke da.

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago5

Bid | Republic of Insulo Alcelago2

As you can see, Alcelago is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery in addition to the spectacular architecture, most of which is protected by National Parks and preserves and easily accessible.

Ikusten duzun bezala, Alcelago da ikusgarria arkitektura, gehienak National Parkeak babesten eta kontserbatzen eta erraz gainera, paisaia natural ederra inguratuta.

This concludes the Alcelago Constitutional Summit Bid, hope you enjoyed and we wish luck to the other bidders.

Hau ondorioztatzen da Alcelago Konstituzio Gailurrean Eskaintza, espero duzu gozatu eta suerte nahi dugu beste lizitatzaileen du.

--- Alcelago Bid Organizing Committee ---

--- Alcelago Eskaintza Batzorde Antolatzaileko ---

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